---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Charlie Crist for US Senate Date: Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 7:24 PM Subject: The Crist Campaign Week In Review: March 1 - March 5 The Crist Campaign Week In Review: March 1 - March 5 Are you ready to put Florida's greatest fighter to work in Washington? This week we released a video entitled "Are you ready?" that shows Governor Crist on the campaign trail talking to hundreds of supporters. Click HERE to watch the Governor in action and pass this video along to your friends! The Governor will continue to campaign this weekend with a "Chat With Charlie" campaign stop in Pinellas County tomorrow to launch the group "Women For Crist." Governor Crist On Health Care Governor Crist stands firmly against President Obama's use of reconciliation to jam through a government run health care plan that raises taxes, raises rates, and cuts Medicare. He released a statement this week on this subject that is below. In addition, the Governor made the following remarks in a National Review interview: "Crist calls the president's push for 'reconciliation' on Obamacare -- a procedural device enabling a bill to pass with 51 votes -- an 'arrogant thing to do [to] the people of this country.' "'It is awful how [Democrats] have this compulsion to ram this thing through, even though the American people don't support it,' Crist says. 'They don't realize that even if they pass their bill [with reconciliation], the American people will still detest it. We need to take a free-market approach.' Crist also says that Obama is 'moving too quickly' in trying to address health-care reform. 'Bipartisanship is necessary here,' he says. 'We need true bipartisanship, which is a two-way street, with both sides having the opportunity not only to be heard, but the chance to forward their ideas, sit at the table, and help to craft the final product.'" ALERT: Speaker Rubio afraid to debate Governor Crist this Sunday on "Meet The Press." Governor Crist agreed to debate the Speaker this weekend, but Rubio declined the invitation. Why did Speaker Rubio duck the press again? As Governor Crist said: "My opponent, for all of his good rhetoric, mostly talks about standing up to President Obama. Well, if he's willing to stand up to Barack Obama but unwilling to sit down with David Gregory, one must wonder: Where did all the bravado go? What happened? David Gregory is not the president of the United States. He's certainly a bright, talented man, but maybe Rubio is afraid that he will ask the kinds of questions the speaker does not want to respond to." The REAL Marco Rubio Speaker Rubio's fiscal conservative credentials have come under fire. His credit card scandal has revealed the following important points: Speaker Rubio is fiscally irresponsible. He seemed perfectly content having taxpayers and the Florida GOP foot the bill for his lavish personal spending spree. How can voters trust someone who, when in office, was so reckless with people's hard earned money? In his recent media tour, the Speaker continues to be dishonest with voters about the scandal. When asked, he tries to cover-up and distort the facts when it comes to his charging personal expenses on his corporate credit card when he was Speaker. He even went so far as to deny some of the very charges that showed up on his card's report. How can voters trust someone who won't be honest with them? Speaker Rubio's sense of entitlement is evident as he refers to the credit card as HIS money when, in reality, it was the people and the Party's money. How can Floridians send someone to Washington who doesn't put the people first? Governor Crist said it best in an interview with The National Review: "When this guy calls himself the real conservative in the race, I've got to point out that it's the opposite. If you look at the expense reports from his GOP credit card, it is easy to see that he's not conservative, but one of the most irresponsible spenders I've ever seen. He talks about how we need to spend less in Washington, but he sure seems to like spending other people's money." Below in the press release section of this email are the following releases/news articles/media clips that relate to this topic: What They Are Saying: "Marco Rubio Stands Exposed As A Fraud" Speaker Rubio Continues To Distort The Truth About His Personal Spending Spree In Case You Missed It: Crist: Rubio Campaign The 'Greatest Fraud Perpetrated On People' Rubio On Fox News: "It's MY Money." In Case You Missed It: Marco Rubio Denies $130 Hair Cut Speaker Rubio's credibility gap extends to more than just his spending habits. Despite his rhetoric, his record proves that he has routinely infringed on people's right to bear arms. There is a research document below that shows the Speaker's REAL record on guns. One article to take note of is the Miami Herald article, "Marco Rubio Can't Have It Both Ways." It discusses how the Speaker talks a big game on the campaign trail, but his rhetoric doesn't truly match his actions or record. The article notes, "[Rubio] wants to be a right-wing hero, but he would just as soon avoid the real-life consequences of the things he says he believes." Read the article below in the press release section. Get Involved! Don't forget to stay involved in the campaign! To become a Facebook Fan Click HERE To follow us on Twitter Click HERE To get updates delivered to your cell phone text "Crist" to 24453 To sign up for email updates Click HERE Campaign Press Releases Governor Crist Statement On President Obama's Support Of Reconciliation TALLAHASSEE - The Charlie Crist for U.S. Senate campaign today released the below statement from Gov. Crist following President Obama's remarks advocating for the use of reconciliation to pass the health care bill. "President Obama made it clear in his remarks today that he supports the use of reconciliation to pass the current health care bill, effectively ignoring the desire of the majority of Americans who oppose a government run health care plan. "On a bill that would affect one-sixth of our economy, Americans expect more from the President than a plan jammed through Congress that raises taxes, raises rates, cuts Medicare, and greatly expands the role of government. "It is unfortunate that the American public will suffer from President Obama's commitment to go it alone on health care and blatant rejection of the will of the voters on this issue." ###
Posted By: Kendrick Meek
Friday, August 27th 2010 at 5:19PM
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